Tavo Sekme, UAB is a business services and consulting company that has been operating successfully since 1999.
Our Motto – business success – is belief in our success and purposeful pursuit of a goal.
Our Clients are Lithuanian and foreign citizens and legal entities starting their own business and already successfully developing it. We have helped to register their activities for legal entities of practically all legal forms: public and private limited companies, sole proprietorships and small partnerships, public institutions and associations, clubs and trade unions, charities and support funds.
We also successfully help to increase or decrease the authorized capital, reorganize (change the legal form), reorganize (merge, affiliate, split) or liquidate legal entities.
The best evaluation of our work results – Clients’ consistency. Most of them come back and are willing to cooperate or recommend to their friends and acquaintances. The majority of Clients have entrusted the finances of their companies or institutions since the beginning of our or their activities.
This is the best advertisement and the best evaluation of our work.
Sėkmingai atliko mano individualios įmonės pertvarkymą į uždarąją akcinę bendrovę. Galvojau, kad užtruks ilgai ir bus labai brangu, tačiau buvau maloniai nustebinta. Dėkoju už sklandžiai ir profesionaliai atliktas paslaugas.
UAB Tavo sėkmė kolektyvas parengė visus steigimo dokumentus, padėjo sklandžiai bei operatyviai įregistruoti bendrovę ir toliau prisideda prie mūsų bendrovės augimo ne tik profesionaliai tvarkydami buhalterinę apskaitą, bet ir kitus vidaus dokumentus. Jie yra lankstūs, operatyvūs ir patikimi. Maloniai atsako į iškilusius klausimus ir konsultuoja. Rekomenduoju.